Educator’s Guide to Seat at the Table Exhibition
This guide provides teachers, youth leaders and parents with a framework for making the most of an in-person or virtual visit to the Seat at the Table exhibition with students in grades 6-12. The 16-page guide is divided into themed units reflecting the topics addressed in the exhibition. Activities based on state education standards are designed to be completed Before You Visit, When You Visit and After You Visit.
TEACHERS: To request an in-person guided tour for your class, please click here. To access the virtual tour video for use with your class, please go to https://visionforwardatdrexel.org/virtualtour. Access the exhibition’s touchscreen multimedia content about 18 pioneering women at https://visionforwardatdrexel.org/seatatthetable. It tells the stories of trailblazers in six categories: Agents of Change, Politics & Government, Business & Finance, STEM, Communications & Media, and Sports.
Video: The 19th Amendment – A Woman’s Right to Vote
This 25-minute video – one of Annenberg Classroom‘s free resources for teaching about the U.S. Constitution – centers on the long, difficult quest by American women to win the right to vote.
It’s about citizenship, the power of the vote, and why women had to change the Constitution with the 19th Amendment to get the vote.

Educators’ Guide: The Unfinished Business of Women’s Equality
This guide is one of Annenberg Classroom‘s free resources for teaching about the U.S. Constitution. It provides learning activities and related resources for upper elementary, middle or high school students.
The 95-page guide is designed so that educators may pick and choose, mix and match, based on classroom needs and student learning styles. Each activity is labeled with grade level, time allotment, objectives and corresponding content knowledge standards, and ideas for adaptations.
The activities are designed to engage students and allow them to interact with the material and with one another.